Saturday, 19 February 2011


i've not forgotten you - life is just so busy! and there is no time for doing craft, let alone blog hopping and posting. so sorry. 

but planning this getting married thing seems to be taking up lots of my free time and free headspace. the time and headspace i usually use for craft and blogging type things. 

but this afternoon, well there is finally some time to catch up and have a bit of a break.

ahh, (choc-caramel slice recipe from here - turns out AMAZING!) 

and reading this book, with some fabulous inspiration, for when i again have time to create!


Monday, 7 February 2011


i don't usually post much about personal stuff here. i figure i have a craftish and foodish blog - so that is what i usually post about. 

but i wanted to show you this:


we're getting married! 

i feel astoundingly blessed, very thankful and really very excited!

(so i maybe a little bit haphazard in my posting and in my visiting your blog over the next few months in the lead up to our wedding - sorry in advance!) 

EDIT: just after posting this, i visited maxabella, who is co-hosting a "bling on love" lead up to valentine's day blog hop - check it out! mazabella has great timing!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

crochet addictions (and some other stuff)

just one more post about my crochet addiction (for the moment at least). but what else do you do, when going into an op-shop and finally finding a pile of crochet hooks*!

how could i possibly leave them there? lovely metal hooks, with such a nice feel! i never never never find crochet hooks in op-shops, and i got this whole bundle for 50 cents! love love love it

so the bit not about crochet: while we were on holiday, the little church around the corner from where we were staying had a garage sale. we poured over everything, and i got a pile of wool, and a pile of books. including this one. first of all i walked past it, i mean its nothing to look at from the outside:

but flipping it open:


what's not to love about it!  patterns for 70's children's toys. sewing patterns, knitting patterns, clothing patterns. can't wait to get started on them all!

*i have asked it before - but can someone please explain to me why op-shops always have an abundance of knitting needles, but there is never a crochet hook to be seen!?