Saturday, 19 February 2011


i've not forgotten you - life is just so busy! and there is no time for doing craft, let alone blog hopping and posting. so sorry. 

but planning this getting married thing seems to be taking up lots of my free time and free headspace. the time and headspace i usually use for craft and blogging type things. 

but this afternoon, well there is finally some time to catch up and have a bit of a break.

ahh, (choc-caramel slice recipe from here - turns out AMAZING!) 

and reading this book, with some fabulous inspiration, for when i again have time to create!


1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen that book but now I want one!! And I quite fancy a piece of your caramel slice while I'm reading it. Yummo!

    Hope things calm down for you a little so you can get back to fueling those fires. Perhaps finding ways to be creative in the mundane busyness of it all might help? x


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