Wednesday, 1 September 2010

my creative space

this week reveals my new project. ta da...

i'm making a quilt! i was going for a brown and orange theme to match the back panel fabric. but instead there is turning out to be a bit more of a mix. see, there were a few fabrics that i really wanted to put in (like the blue ellipsoid one on the top right) and so a blue theme got added in. then finally a little bit of plain yellow, which i think helped to de-crowd things colour-wise.

anyway, cutting it out and then sewing it together has been fun. but i am worried about the next step. i actually have no idea how to quilt things, and any helpful suggestions, or directions to good and helpful beginner quilting blogs/how-tos/sites you know would be gratefully received!

here's hoping your creative space is also filled with retro fabricked, family inspired, make-it-up-as-you-go-along kinda craft...


  1. Your quilt looks ace so far. I'm not a quilter but there are so many out there you should find so great advice pretty easily. Try googling too. Have fun! xo

  2. Oh nice - keep us posted on the progress!


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