Tuesday, 15 June 2010

travelling broadens the taste buds

one of the great things about travelling is being able to try new food. even better, being taught how to cook new food. 

while away i learnt how to enjoy and then how to make rusks (not the baby food, or the dog biscuit, but one of south africa's favourite biscuits).

we made them over there:
and then yesterday, i made them here at home. 

 {photo to be inserted here. turns out although i have now found my camera cord, my camera and my computer are not playing nicely together and i am on my way out. i did make them though - i really did} EDIT: ok so now they are playing together again, phew!

pleased to say they turned out great!


  1. I believe you. Interested to see what they look like. Good luck with the camera/computer issue.

  2. Mmmmm. I wonder if I could overcome the name enough to be seduced?! Do they break your teeth?


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