Thursday, 17 June 2010

my creative space is...

...filled with 70's inspiration. my fabulous friend bought me this fabulous book from an op-shop:
 it looks like so much fun. 
although - if anyone knows what you do with a crocheted "calypso barbecue holder," feel free to let me know!
 as always, play along with the fabulous kirsty...


  1. It's amazing what was made with knitting and crochet in the 70s! I love the cover though - very lacy. Done in the right colours and modern natural yarn it would look amazing!

  2. Ohhhh I have found book too in an op shop - isn't it great?!! Even if I never make anything from it I just love having it on my shelf! Sorry can't be any help on the Calypso Barbecue Holder! x

  3. How cool, lot's of fun to be had with that.

  4. great find. the edgings look gorgeous. the BBQ holder could be modified to make a skull cap or a bikini top but thats all i have

  5. Lol love the BBQ thingy go the crochet everything! Arn't these 70's craft books fab I am getting quite a collection.

  6. yah we're all crochet this week!

  7. Really, I think everyone needs that BBQ holder. Classic book!


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