Wednesday, 14 April 2010

my creative space is...

...filled with indecision. see i still can't decide how best to join my grannies. (see post below). and it seems that until i do decide, i am stuck in limbo land, with very little creating going on.

so, i will leave you with the creative space of another. 
our friendly backyard spider, who makes a web every night right in the path between the trees on the way to the compost heap. (i have learnt to duck around it). but every day it gets windswept and by the end of the day there are feathers and leaves stuck in it and its full of holes.

and every morning it is made anew.  

and i think there is something kind of special in that. (not that any of that is helping my decide on how i should join my grannies...)

as always, play along with kirsty... 


  1. Good Luck with your decision. I would stitch mine up which I guess would be like Attic24's. But I see your dilemma :)

  2. I'm sure whichever way you go the finished granny blanket will be lovely (& look a darn sight better than my pile of chocolatey/caramel squares).

  3. I have a bag full of grannies that never got joined! I keep moving them out of the way of the vacuum. One day!

  4. I agree. It's beautiful how she simply spins another web every day. Never gives up! xo m.

  5. beautiful photo, good luck with the decision making

  6. Oh I do very much like the photo of the spider's web.

    I used whip stitch to join my granny squares. It worked well.

  7. I'm a bit obsessed with spider's webs at the moment too. Not walking into them though. I love Carina's way. I haven't seen it before but I like the way it carries on the granny theme.


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