Well, fast forward and these days I feel like I hardly ever get to finish my tea. I start a cup but then... well, things happen and life (and little-miss-e) gets in the way and before I know it, my tea is cold and I am contemplating whether it is worth trying to reheat it in the microwave again. And then the other night I remembered about cup cosies and I thought: what a brilliant idea!
So I crocheted myself a granny square cup cosy. And this morning enjoyed a whole hot cup of coffee.
We are not one of those families that have lovely sets of matching cups. We have a mish-mash of cups from all over, with different sizes, heights, widths and handle positions, so to try to make the cosy universal - I sewed the bottom edge together and made a drawstring for the top edge, so that I can tie the sides together.
So, here's to warm cups of tea and coffee*!
What about you? Is there something you used to think was silly that you are now converted to? What's your opinion of cup cosies?
*My lovely husband is not sold on the brilliant-ness of the cup cosy. He thinks the issue of my cold tea and coffee is more to do with my distractedness and is less than convinced that a simple cosy will solve the problem. Needless to say when I offered to make him one too, he
Humpf. Children interupting and demanding attention is hardly 'being distracted'. Cosy away I say. Loving the blue granny cosy loads and loads.