Tuesday, 15 January 2013

what day is it again? or crochet necklace inspiration

I was going to post for Wordless Wednesday, but then suddenly realised that it is actually Tuesday! (This maternity leave caper is a little day-less, if you know what I mean).

After making a few crochet necklaces I decided it was time to check out what other people have been crocheting and get some "inspiration" (I think it's worth reflecting on the difference between inspiration and nicking someone else's idea - but that's for another day). So in no apparent order, here are some of the fab necklace designs out there that I am feeling inspired by:

All My Friends Rainbow Crochet Necklace
from this lovely collection full of insanely amazing pieces, but actually made by this lovely crochet genius

Crochet Squares Necklace
this is from here, but also actually made by Lavender Field

Pinned Image
from here - although is this a necklace or a scarf? whichever it is, I love it!

CROCHET PATTERN Chain Warmer PDF statement necklace infinity loop scarf for her
from here. Ok so this one really is more of a scarf, but I love it too!
From here: I love the long drop of this one - I wish I'd thought of that for the necklace
I made the other day. Maybe I'll have to chain another...

And how fun is this? I love the idea of crocheting around some big beads...

Again I am left with the question - just how many crochet necklaces can I get away with owning?

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