Wednesday, 20 June 2012

my creative space

My creative space has been mobile this week: this is me making the starfish for my mobile whilst waiting for hospital appointments. (at least they were only an hour late today - it did give me time to get all the points done and begin the sewing together).

And in other creative news - I finished the clown fish! Woohoo...

So now I've got a seahorse and a hermit crab to go (once I finish the starfish). And maybe a seagull and some seaweed... My big question at the moment though is - what colour to do the seahorse? The hermit crab will have a creamy/brown shell and a red crabby body, the clown fish colour is mostly accurate, the starfish is a mix of purple and blue, the jelly fish is grey with white tentacles... The seahorse? brown and cream (somewhat accurate)? or brightly coloured (given there are already some neutral-y colours in the others)? I just don't know...

Where has your creative space been this week?


  1. Love the clown fish. So cute! Maybe bright colours for the seahorse if you already have neutrals? Accuracy is overrated anyway ;) Looking forward to seeing the finished mobile!

  2. my goodness, that clown fish is awesome! also, re. mat leaves? yeah, the time gets filled with to-do's rather quickly! glad you're sneaking in an afternoon nap. absolutely mandatory!

  3. Gorgeous fish! I would go green for seahorse!

  4. he's a very cute clownfish. well done.

  5. what an adorable fish!
    and i agree with suz, green would be a nice seahorse color.

  6. The clown fish looks so very cute. I think a lovely bright colour for the the seahorse would look really sweet along with the bright coloured clown fish. :)


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