Thursday, 24 May 2012

my creative space

My creative space this week both empty and full (and a little bit late)...

It feels empty as I've finally finished my baby blanket. I am very pleased with it, even the scalloped edges turned out pretty well! Although the corners are a little stretched and it does need a bit of a press. The problem there is that we currently don't own an iron... If you have a suggestion of how to press a blanket without an iron - I'd love to hear!
 But rather than leaving me with a feeling of satisfaction at completion, I have instead that empty feeling. My itchy fingers no longer have this blanket to work on. See, I've been working on the blanket for as long as I've been growing this baby - over 7 months now... And with the blanket finished I am at a bit of a loss on what to create now... 

And that's the other side of things. See at the same time my creative space feels full. I have a number of ideas and projects that I would like to start, and more things I'd like to make for the baby. but with projects swirling around my head and less than 2 months to go til the little one arrives, I can't seem to settle on starting any of them.

I want to make an animal arigurumi mobile - I even started a fish while on the tram last night. But I don't quite have the right wool, and I have so much wool that I'd prefer not to go out and buy more, so I'm trying to decide between making do or just splurging out...

I could finish off my elephant, who is still sitting in pieces. But I have to admit, I am a little disappointed in it. I messed up the American/Aussie terminology and made the elephant in too big a stitch, with too big a needle and too thick wool. So instead of a compact little elephant -I have a large softie, with gaps between the stitches where you can see the stuffing... So my enthusiasm for finishing it off isn't that high...

I also want to make a sleeping bag/cocoon for bubs - something like this. But again, which wool? do I have enough? Should I just suck it up and go out an buy some specific wool for this project?

I also have other grand ideas of stuff I'd like to make for the bub - baby wipes (from an old towel), a picture for the baby's room, a fabric baby quilt (although we already have plenty of baby blankets), cutting up some old towels into baby sized ones, making some cot sheets, even making curtains for the baby's room and and and...

with less than 2 months left (and 2 more weeks of work) - all my plans may just not be possible. So with such a full head space of plans, I can't seem to decide where to start!

What is happening in your creative space? Is it full or empty?


  1. Beautiful blanket you made!
    I recognize it well, that you've finished a big project and that it feels awkward. You just have to go over a sort of bump and then you can continue working on another project. Good luck with your next crochet work.

  2. Lovely blanket. My creative space is full of ideas and plans, just very little time to get creativity at the moment. I love the idea of the mobile. When the moment is right, I think you'll know your next project in a heartbeat.

  3. Lovely blanket!! I too suffer never having the exact wool I want and the dilemma to make do or spend more money I try to make do but some times you just have to splurge.

  4. Your blanket is looking good! :) Not sure what to do about pressing it - maybe you could wash it and block it instead?
    I just finished a little project for our other neighbour's new baby today - a mix between a taggie and a luxe lovey. It was fiddly, but I love it!
    I know what you mean about having too many things to do in too short a time... I still have things on my list - but alas. Time is fast running out (like with 2.5 weeks left!!!).
    Looking forward to seeing what you accomplish and how it all turns out for you. All the best! :)
    S xo

  5. I love your blanket's colour so much! Is it practically possible (as far as time is involved) to crochet a baby hat?? Just an idea!

  6. Just popping in to say CONGRATULATIONS on your Thumbs Up at My Creative Space! The blanket is lovely!

  7. Oh I do know the feeling. Finishing a project and being left empty when it all ends. These projects really do become part of our lives don’t they?

    As for the elephant… it doesn’t really matter if you’re happy with it. The baby growing inside will have the finally judgement. I made a teddy bear a couple of years ago that I was very disatisfied with but it turns out that my darling daughter just thinks it is the best bear ever. She sleeps with him every night. I still cringe a little inside when I pass it to her as I tuck her in… but hey – she loves it and perhaps your darling babe will love that elephant to pieces too.


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