Thursday, 14 October 2010

my creative space

is still full of owls...
i thought i'd be done by now. i really should have been done by now. but due to badly thought out cutting out. (read as forgot to add decent amount of seam allowance) i've had to hand stich these buddies up. 

i've come to the conclusion i HATE hand sewing. well, HATE is a bit strong. but i certainly don't love it, and i've come to the realisation that an embroidery hoop would make a big difference (of course, i don't actually have one), so the slow slow slow hand sewing does continue. hopefully, this last owl will be finished soon. 

at least they will be finished by the time the show "owl in spotlight" goes up at la mama theatre in carlton next week. its going to be a great show and is for all ages - if you are in melbourne, you should check it out. 

and check out all the creative spaces this week...


  1. i don't mind a bit of hand stitching, it gives me the right to veg out in front of mindless tv fodder. thanks for the link to la mama will have to check it out

  2. I feel your pain with the owl hand sewing, can totally sympathise.

  3. Too kind becclebee! Thanks for visiting. Love the owls by the way. XO

  4. Love Owls - don't mind hand stitching, though need to get better at it :-) I guess if i had lots of it it might get on my nerves and a deadline to get it done by. Just joined your blog :-) Off to explore some more.

  5. When you go see Owl in Spotlight, see if you can spot the handsewn puppets. It's all of them bar one. So ok, see if you can spot the machine sewn one :)

    I wish I had a sewing machine that worked!


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