Monday, 4 October 2010

finally, some time...

so, its been pretty busy round here. as you may guess from my lack of posts. sorry 'bout that. 

but see, my very good and very lovely friend got married on saturday (yay!), so its been wedding central round here for the last week and a bit. particularly the last week as we had some of her interstate and international family staying here. the beds have all been full, and even the floor in a couple of rooms has been covered with matresses. wedding chaos and wedding joy - the two seem to often be linked. but the net result is that there has not been a lot of crafting. or blogging. or blog reading.

so in between the loads of bedding and towels i am trying to get done today, i have finally managed to jump online and show off the litte crafting that has been happening. yep, owls. or specifically i finally have finished one of the two owls i am currently making:

only one more to go. (that's ok, they were only due at the end of september - oops!)

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