Thursday, 10 September 2009

my (not so) creative space

so, its been one of those crazy weeks. no real time for creativity, what with having a quick trip to canberra for my brother's birthday on the weekend (due to a cancelled flight and having to rebook for saturday morning, i mean quick - at least it was over 24 hrs. even if only just). and then having to work on my day off... so i thought i would share my not so creative space (ie my desk at work) even my keep cup has been working hard (thanks gina) - the weeks leading up to holidays are always so frantic, and i have been busy like crazy. but still for the next two weeks - holidays. oh the joy! for people's actual creative spaces, as always see the inspiring kirsty. and, i'll see (blog/read/share/comment) with you all in two or so weeks...


  1. How great are the keep cups? I love mine so much. Hoping that work eases up for you.

  2. Enjoy your holidays and thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :)

  3. Yay roll on holidays (boo to work!)

  4. Enjoy your holiday...Hopefully when you come back your work will give you plenty of space for craftyness...

  5. Your camera bought a little creative space into your work space it would seem : D
    Have a wonderful holiday time!

  6. Just letting you know I love reading your blog, so I've given you a lemonade award, yours to do keep and do what you want with!


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