Saturday, 22 August 2009

bad days

there is an upside to having bad days. a week or so ago, i was having a bad day and seeing i was in the general vicinity of brunswick st in fitzroy, i popped into meet me at mikes and bought myself a copy of homemade. (such a fabulous recipe book made for the survivors of the victorian bushfires - check it out). and leafing through it made me feel so much better. and then today i was having another bad day. (long story, i won't bore you all with it). and i decided the best plan was to make something out of my new recipe book. these are the lovely choc-chip cookies on p122. cooking and chocolate - things that always make me feel better. so sometimes, bad days can result in good things...


  1. They look delicious. Can you come around next time I'm having a bad day? Preferably with the cookies...


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