Thursday, 25 June 2009

my creative space

my creative space for the last little while has been right here. on my computer. see i am researching away merrily for piece i am planning for an exhibition in the melbourne fringe festival (its called echos lost and is being run by the lovely sayraphim from page 63). and i just wanted to share this great blog i came across while researching. caravan of curiosities it is full of collected fantastic stuff from all over - i love being creatively inspired by other people's creativeness... play along with kirsty and be inspired too!


  1. Oh yes...other people's fabulousness is most inspiring.

  2. Wow, I'm loving that link. Thanks becclebee! I'm also loving the brownie recipe... or at least the idea of the brownie recipe, it has not yet been made at chez clutterpunk. Hope the grumpiness has been fully assuaged!

  3. Hello! You have been given the One Lovely Blog Award. You can visit to see who else received one.

    Congratulations and cake!



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