Thursday, 28 November 2013

check out these stars

hi hi!


There's not much to say 'round these parts. Life is pottering along and between work and home and all the stuff in between there is a new crochet project. But I'm not going to show you that yet. Instead - check out these stars:

Photo from Little Woollie

Aren't they fab. They're from here (which is a lovely tutorial) and I love love love them! I am so going to get distracted from my new project to do a few of these! Our Christmas tree is going to go up on the weekend, and I'd love to have some stars to decorate it with.

How 'bout you? How's the balance of work/home/life going? And when are you putting up your Christmas tree?

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

crochet finger puppets

I don't have much in the way of words tonight. It was my first day back at work today and it involved sitting in meetings non-stop for most of the day. So I'm a bit worded out. Instead, here are my finished finger puppets:


They worked out really well. I followed this pattern for the dog, and then simply made up the others. Surprisingly, the lion wasn't that much of a hit with little-miss-e (she usually loves lions), but the dog got lots of kisses and woofs, as did the koala (we have have a book about koalas and joeys, which I can recite, so the koalas acted out the parts from the book). The butterfly I made from copying one of my Nan's crocheted butterflies that now live on my fridge, and I just added a green finger hold to a flower I already had. I saved the puppets up for the flights there are back (small,compact lightweight and easy to play with), but they've now entered the general toy collection. 

They were really easy to make, and I think I'd like to make a few more. Another few butterflies and I had also planned on making a bee, a frog and maybe a ladybird. The possibilities are endless...

How 'bout you? Have you got show and tell? Join in with Leonie (on Thursday) then!